The Manners & Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah honour him and grant him peace)


There is so much to learn from the manners and etiquette of the best and last of the Messengers to mankind, Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam). This is a translation of a small section of the book, “Mukhtasar Sirat al-Nabi” by Imam Abdul-Ghani al-Maqdasi (d. 600H) may Allah have mercy on him.

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There is so much to learn from the manners and etiquette of the best and last of the Messengers to mankind, Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam). This is a translation of a small section of the book, “Mukhtasar Sirat al-Nabi” by Imam Abdul-Ghani al-Maqdasi (d. 600H) may Allah have mercy on him. I have numbered the manners and etiquette from this treatise and they have totaled fifty-five and no doubt they are not limited to these. I have tried to add and reference each manner with a Prophetic tradition – when one reads the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam), then they can see that he was guided by Allah to bring us out of darkness and into light.

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